So where did my passion for baking start…

We love what we do

 I have spent over 12 years perfecting my recipes and am so pleased that I can now offer delicious quality cakes safely to people with diabetes. Sadly

Our working process

My target market is not only people with diabetes, my cakes are high in protein and fibre and are sugar and gluten free. So anyone who is suffering from IBS, Celiac disease, gluten intolerant, has high cholesterol.

El Sweetdiet

About Us

El Sweetdiet
So where did my passion for baking start…
My name is Eli and I am from Tehran/Iran. For as long as I can remember I have been passionate about cooking and in particular baking. I love bringing ingredients together to make magical tasty cakes. My passion for baking took a turn when my grandmother was diagnosed with diabetes. I remember we always used to bake together and it was sad that she could not enjoy this luxury without needing her insulin injection. How could a slice of cake become life threatening!? So I turned my attention to exploring making cakes with no sugar and spent many hours experimenting. I have spent over 12 years perfecting my recipes and am so pleased that I can now offer delicious quality cakes safely to people with diabetes. Sadly, my grandmother passed away but she did get to taste my cakes and be part of this journey with me.
My target market is not only people with diabetes, my cakes are high in protein and fibre and are sugar and gluten free. So anyone who is suffering from IBS, Celiac disease, gluten intolerant, has high cholesterol or just dieting but still wants to have a naughty treat without feeling guilty, can enjoy my cakes. Also, due to the high protein content my cakes are a great snack for people in the gym and working out.
My cakes have none of the ingredients below which are known to be unhealthy, cause disease or be bad for the environment;


Our Team