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My target is not only people with diabetes

my recipes and am so pleased that I can now offer delicious quality cakes safely to people with diabetes. Sadly, my grandmother passed away but she did get to taste my cakes and be part of this journey with me.

high in protein and fibre and are sugar and gluten free

Super low carb with high fibre

Gluten and sugar free
No trans fat

At the same time super tasty!

We Love What We Do

Do not use these ingredients in my cakes

My cakes have none of the ingredients below which are known to be unhealthy, cause disease or be bad for the environment.

1. Sugar

2. Gluten

3.White wheat


5.barely flour

6. Oils and trans fats

7.Palm oil

So what are the ingredients in my cakes

I believe my cakes taste just as good if not better than unhealthy cakes that are full of sugar, fats and high in calories. But why take my word for it, please do taste my cakes for yourself and let me know what you think.